We are Allandale Workers United,
A union of retail workers in Brookline, MA. 🐃 🌱

About Us 👋

We are the union of retail workers fighting for a better Allandale Farm for our crew members and our community. We're grassroots, locally grown, and all organic. Together, we hope to create a farm that provides fair-paying jobs and make improvements to safety, accessibility, and equality.

Allandale Farm
Read our first contract platform! 🌱

Click here to read our contract platform!We're fighting for fair wages, safe working conditions, and an end to loopholes that make it harder for seasonal workers to receive basic benefits. As of April 2023 we're announcing our platform for our first contract campaign to let the Allandale community know what we're doing to make Allandale Farm a better place.

Click here to sign our petition to let the community know that you support Allandale workers!

What's happening right now? ✨

As of March 2023, our bargaining committee has started meeting with management and their lawyers to bargain over our contract proposals. In one of our first sessions we secured better rehiring terms for this season, a major issue for our seasonal workers. As the next season begins, we're excited to begin making the changes and improvements that the crew have been looking forward to for a long time.

Why a union? 💪

We've been inspired by other retail workers who've started organizing for better working conditions all around Boston. With a union, we have a vehicle for ongoing dialog and accountability, as well as the ability to negotiate fair working conditions for all of our diverse retail crew members. This is a real commitment, but we believe that it is worth it for ourselves and future generations of Allandale workers.

Curtis and Willard
Contact us 📬

For the latest updates, follow us on social media.

If you have any questions, send us an email: